Not only should you protect your car from being stolen, suffered a collision, that following an accident suffered personal injury or causing damage to third parties or other vehicles or property.
Our auto policies bring trust, safety and all our support in case of accidents.
General benefits:
We offer coverage for your vehicle, as needed:
- Basic Plan:Liability commonly known as third party damage.
- Full Coverage Plan: Includes Liability for injury and death of others, liability for damage to property of others and own damage such as collision, overturning, robbery, theft, earthquake, earthquake, flood, Health Care, among others. (details below **)
We offer roadside assistance 24/7 free, three cranes per year for commercial vehicles and for vehicles whose use is for pleasure and / or business with pleasure, additionally offer tire changing services, current flow, ambulance dispatch, and fuel, according to the limits specified in the contract and general conditions of insurance. If you needed, a finance for your auto insurance, check this out Title Loans No Credit Checks- Completely Online, Quick Auto Loan, fast and convenient.
For a fast and free quote please send us the following: